Delegation from Vilnius Technical University to visit WSEI University

Delegation from Vilnius Technical University to visit WSEI University

Professors from Vilnius Gediminas Technical University visited our University on Monday to learn about WSEI University’s education offer, the University’s infrastructure and study conditions.


Assoc. Prof. Dr Saugirdas Pukalskas, Head Department of Automobile Engineering and Assoc. Prof. Dr Šarūnas Mikaliūnas, Department of Automobile Engineering met with the authorities of the University - Chancellor Teresa Bogacka and Rector Prof. Marek Opielak.

- We have good cooperation with the University of Vilnius. I personally visited this University, where I learned about their education conditions and programs. Such exchanges serve mutual development - says Rector Prof. Marek Opielak.

The delegation from Vilnius will spend three days in Lublin.


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